What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient therapy that was developed by the Chinese over 2000 years ago as a way to maintain health, relieve pain, and stop negative habits. Today, acupuncture is still used to relieve many health issues including as cessation therapy for smoking. Some of the other health issues acupuncture would be used for are: • Migraines • Backaches • Fatigue • Sinus Infections
How Does This Ancient Therapy Work?
The belief behind acupuncture is that the body is a pathway for energy and that over time the energy can become blocked and acupuncture as a way of releasing this blocked energy. When used as a smoking cessation therapy, acupuncture involves a series of sessions, which focus on reliving the physical and mental challenges that people face when they stop smoking. It’s not painful and the treatment is offered using two methods of acupuncture, sterile needles or laser. These are used on points in the body call Chi.
Needle Method
The patient using the needle method has the needles inserted into the cartilage of the ear, both wrists, and hands. This method sounds painful but its not.
Laser Method
The laser method is similar to the traditional needle method, however it is far less intrusive and virtually pain free. A laser is used in place of the needle to apply stimulation to the Chi points allowing for the release of energy from the body.
In Conclusion
Both methods have been proven to lessen the need for a cigarette. After each session, smokers should expect a lessening of withdrawal symptoms. The use of acupuncture is an effect therapy for those looking to stop smoking and after treatment, smokers often feel relaxed. Acupuncture is a proven therapy, which helps smokers cease smoking without the painful nicotine withdrawal often suffered when trying to quit.
cleondann that's interesting.. that was really nice to read that.. that was really a great post.. it seem nice helpful information.. that's great...Acupuncture maintains balance of our vital energy flow in order to remain healthy and serves as the tool for realignment.